Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Finally, Art Follows Advertising

As much as I hate to admit it, advertising is the ultimate copycat game. We steal ideas from everywhere.

A lot of what we do as creatives is adapt things we pick up from the world around us and gently massage them -- or bash them with a sledgehammer in my case -- until they solve the business problem we're faced with. It's not very often that are ads truely uniquely creative, or even half interesting for that matter. But there are gems on rare occasions.

So it's awesome to see 'art' take a little inspiration from advertising, rather than the other way around for once. This new video from OK Go takes some strong cues from Honda's amazing 'Cog' ad (which I've mentioned on this blog before). Obviously the notion of a Rube Goldberg machine is as old as, well, Rube Goldberg, but the similarities are strong enough that I don't think director James Frost was working in a vacuum on this one.

And for comparison, Honda's 'Cog'

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